We are still aiming to hold an event in Cherryvale (subject to restrictions), but you can also have you own virtual event too and that’s why we are calling on all Bredagh Gaels near and far to participate!
If you know any former Bredagh Gaels who are spread across the globe, tell them about the event and tell them to get involved on the day!
Our charity partner for this event is the very worthy Marie Curie NI.
We have setup a Justgiving page to gather sponsorship and to get the ball rolling we will give the first 10 people who raise £500 for Marie Curie some Bredagh Gear!
Our Chairman says he will also dust off the trainers from the 2019 Marathon and get stuck in too!
To donate click here – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/BREDAGH50
Thanks to Kevin McVeigh for leading the organisation of the event.